There are a variety of reasons why you might want to “train” your part to fall a different way. Perhaps you’re ready for a new look and a new part is one of the easiest and effective ways to achieve this. Perhaps you have a natural center part and that simply isn’t working for you. Or maybe you’re trying to grow out your bangs. Whatever the reason is, you can train your hair to fall the way you want it to – naturally. It will take a little commitment and time but it can be done.
Before you start training your hair to naturally part a certain way, you should determine if that part is right for you.
How To Find Your “Good Side”
Everyone has a strong and weak side to their face, here’s one way that you can find it – if you don’t think that you have already.
Step 1: Look in the mirror and hold a piece of paper to one side of the face.
Step 2: Now move to the opposite side and notice the features on that side. Move the paper back and forth until the slight difference between the symmetry of your face is noticeable.
Step 3: The side that has more features turned in the upward direction is the “stronger” side of the face. This is probably the side that you want to keep exposed when deciding on a part. The heavier part of your hair should be on the weaker side.
Step 4: Once you’ve chosen a stronger side, make a perfect side-part by combing from the outside corner of the eye in front of the middle center to ensure symmetry.

But how can you make your hair stay this way?
There are several ways that you can “train” your hair to fall naturally. Some use heat while others use bobby pins. It’s up to you determine which one works best for you and it’s up to us to provide the details! Here we go!
Bust Out the Blow Dryer
One of the simplest ways to train your hair is to simply blow dry your hair in the direction that you want it to fall. After a few days or few weeks, it should start falling that way naturally. Spend extra time blow-drying your scalp exactly where you want the part to happen.
Spend Extra Time with Your Hair Straightener
If you straighten your hair then it doesn’t hurt to style your hair in the new part and then spend extra time on the very top layers of your hair making them lay flat and neat in the new part pattern.
Use Extra Hairspray
If you use hairspray, you might want to use more and if you don’t use it, you might want to pick up a can. Your hair will need a little extra encouragement to stay in its new part all day without slowly creeping back to it’s old part. Hairspray the new part down the scalp for some extra support.
Train Your Hair While You Sleep – or In Your Free Time
Here’s the step-by-step to this method:
Step 1: Start with wet hair. You will have an easier time changing your part if you start with wet hair.
Step 2: Part your hair. Pick your part and comb your hair to make sure its perfect.
Step 3: Stick it down. Use hairspray, mousse or gel to slick down to your part.
Step 4: Pin it down. Use bobby pins to make the hair stay exactly where you want it. Do this until the part starts to happen naturally.
Step 5: Keep the part even while you wash your hair. This will make your hair easier to train and faster.
Step 6: Keep it perfectly parted. Until your hair is trained to naturally part that way, keep it perfectly parted all the time – especially while you sleep!
Get The Perfect Cut
Finally, in most cases, the right styling is a function of the right cut. Many stylists can create haircuts and styles by using your hairs natural tendencies and texture in the cut. The perfect cut should help you easily and naturally get the look you want.

Give it Time
While some people can change their hairs part really easily, other people have strong and stubborn growth patterns that control where the hair parts. If you have thick or curly hair then you probably have cow-licks to fight with. But keep up the tips above and eventually the new part will be your natural part.